April 6th, 1972
About fifteen minutes later heard this incredible banging on the front window, facing the front steps, not two feet from my head. Who the fuck could that be? At first, I thought it must be Tex– he usually bangs on the window that way rather than ringing the buzzer. Then I flashed on the possibility that it might be that kid who Carol and Sue had taken in off the streets the night before. Some fucked up kid, really young, who had this strange rap about being throw out of his house and needing a place to crash. He was supposed to have crashed here last night but had split about one in the morning to go leave a note for someone. He said he would be right back but never came back. I thought for a minute that might be him returning.
I reached over the side of the bed and found my orange robe lying on the floor beside my bed. I could hear men’s voices on the front porch of the house. As I crawled across the bed and Margie, who hadn’t been disturbed at all by the banging. I looked at the clock and saw that it was ten ‘til six. The room was already pretty light. I stuck my head out the door of my apartment and ZAP! Standing there on the front porch were two cops. The one nearest the window saw me sticking my head out the door, and he backed at me, “Open the door!” I just stood there for about five seconds totally stunned. I truly didn’t know what to do. Somewhere in my mind, my guardian angel screamed out on a loud speaker “THIS IS IT KIDDO *BUST*,” and immediately I witnessed a thirty-second movie in my mind. Actually, it was several movies running at once. In one I saw myself running down to Peggy and Ed’s and then to Carol and Sue’s– running through the house like Paul Revere in an orange terry cloth robe screaming, “Flush! Flush! It’s a bust!” At the same time, I saw the cop thrust his nightstick through the glass of the front door and undo the lock before I could get out of the hall. I saw this enormous pig come barreling through the front door hitting me over the head with his stick and kicking me with his boots as the other pig bombed through my open door and dragged Margie by her hair as blood gushed from her nose and mouth and the pig kept beating me over the head in the hallway. I saw the Nazi SS men storming into quiet homes before dawn, before the city was awake, and take families away. I saw National Guardsmen moving in formation across the campus of Kent State and saw the girl who they had killed lying on the sidewalk like I had seen in the papers at the time. That was for real, and this was for real. It was six o'clock in the morning, and the pigs were at the door yelling at me to open the door. This was it.