December 18th, 1972
Nancy married Larry in September. They are living in Toronto. He is a student (graduate) at the University of Ontario. Nancy works at an advertising department in production. They were married after having lived together for several months. The marriage was in Independence and Ross was an usher. She jogs every day– is healthy– loves Canada and her main passion is dancing.
How fragile the connections of our lives are. The effect of Nancy on my own life was great– at a time of importance. I feel as though all the elements that touched my life– the connections– guided and moved me in certain ways. Breaking out of the shell. Severing me from the nightmare of my family.
I also spoke to Kevin. He is graduating this semester from the University of Missouri. Journalism. He is living with Randy and another guy in a house in Columbia. I’m not sure what his plans are. He’s not either, I don’t think.
I spoke to Melinda, also. Reunion. She is living in a house down the street from Kevin– she is in nursing school and is nervously considering pre-med. She is living with a guy named John– John is very happy and says she is in the midst of a lot of good energy.
Evy is back at Washington University in St. Louis. According to Melinda, she hasn’t changed at all. I called UW and talked by coincidence to her roommate Cheryl– who remembered me. By that time I was so diminished by my conversations that I didn’t feel I could talk to Evy so I never called back.
Candy, of course, is married to a black policeman in Kansas City and is expecting a baby in the spring. She made Christmas cookies this year.