December 23rd, 1972
Last night’s particular brand of bullshit carries with it a certain stamp of finality for me.
I am sitting in the Atlanta airport wishing that Andrea Feldman were not dead.
Heterosexuality has cased to be a valid expression of sexuality. It is state of psychological death that can only destroy and oppress. Heterosexuals are sick– maladjusted– to be pitied–
But not tolerated.
They should all be put in insane asylums.
The survival of humankind is now dependent on the evolutionary functions of two groups of people. Virtually one group. Homosexuals and Lesbians. Millions of years of evolution now centered on the survival of these people.
The race of man on earth is now in the swift process of self-destruction. There is no hope for straight men and women. They are a cancerous sore attempting to envelop the earth.
The earth will not long abide.
Civilization in its present form is crumbling. All humanity is wasted now in the survival mechanisms of homosexuals.
As of midnight tonight it will be 2,326,800 seconds before the day I am to see Joel.
Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel
I love to write his name.
I have a perfect image of him eating ice cream in Washington Square– grinning– God I love him.
“See how I’m walkin’
See how I’m talkin’
Notice everything in me
Feel the need
Oh feel it
Feel the need in me.”