February 22nd, 1980
Birthday. I take the day as a personal day off from work. 9:00 appointment with John at J. Walter Thompson about a job opening they’re having soon. They’re real interested in me it seems. It would be an exciting change for me. Stopped by and had coffee with Ralph. Wendy seems to be in the throes of a full-fledged depression. Again. I decide a birthday requires some form of friendly socializing at least– so I call a few friends and invite them over for drinks. Marijean and Jim, Rob and Ralph, Myron, and Malcolm, Richard’s lover. Odd. I never would have thought that one day I would be entertaining Richard’s lover in my home.
Fun visit– everyone seemed to really enjoy each other. Later, Marijean and Jim left and the rest of us went to The Other Side to dance. Lots of drinking, dancing and poppers. We are weary children trying to have fun. It is so late that Malcolm stays over. I slept on the sofa.