January 2nd, 1972
With very little time for cosmic-psychoanalytical ado– the year ended– and a new one has started.
Well, folks– so far, so good.
It’s been a very good year so far. Gayle and I went to New York City for the New Year weekend. We stayed at the Taft Hotel in an outrageously flashy room– tripped on mescaline and I made wild, passionate love to her all weekend. Getting back home, she came over last night and I fucked her again. Strange for my head. Withdrew last night. Have to think– have to think.
I’ve been alone all day today. I’m sitting here stoned– feeling lonely and quite bored. I should get into cleaning my apartment. Took the tree down.
The house is vibrating with music. Abbey Road album. I’d go to a movie tonight if I had money. No money. Maybe I’ll borrow some from Sue and Dan.