January 9th, 1977
Grey Sunday afternoon. Forecast for a heavy snowstorm for the afternoon. Tucked away like a tiny mouse in a tidy house. Stoned on some excellent dope from Arlene. Gregg is at rehearsal for his Russian play. I am avoiding Don– who wants to “get together” this afternoon. The thought bores me. I enjoy an afternoon home alone. I scurry about the apartment. Keeping it tidy– enjoying the order I have established. Loving my solitude. An old Rock Hudson movie is on television.
I take Hal to mass this morning. When we get back to the apartment Lynn meets me at the door. Richard and Darrel are there. I do not go in. Can’t understand this feeling of being hurt by sharing Lynn with Richard’s new lover. That shouldn’t bother me. So I lick my wounds at home and hurt a little.
One year later and I am still hurting. A little.