July 15th, 1981
Busy day at work. Consciously trying to use the program in my daily life. At those moments when frustration, resentment, anger start to surface I stop– think for a moment, and try to let it go. Relax. The path of least resistance. Tonight Allan and I met Diane and Nan at the St. Marks Theater for Barbarella. Tomorrow is Nan’s birthday. Allan and I gave her a t-shirt that said “New York Dyke.” After the movie we went to a restaurant nearby for dinner. I enjoy them so much. We talked about Missouri and sex roles and film making and books. Allan has gone out to the bars. I am tired now and going to bed. I bought a copy of Straight to Hell in the East Village tonight. Companion for the sexually starved. A cool breeze filters through the apartment. Voices on the sidewalk below and a full moon brilliant against a black sky.