July 17th, 1977
It’s over now. I am sitting in the airport in Little Rock, Arkansas on my way home. The effect of the past couple of weeks on my life has been and will be extraordinary. Just a few weeks ago I wrote of how impossible communication between my world and the world of my parents was. The hometown– the family connections that have been sealed for the past eight years are open to me now. The family sees me off at the airport. Aunt Ann cries when I leave and tells me she loves me. Bill hugs me. Anita kisses me. Rick makes a special effort to see me off. Darrel is there. Bobby. Cathy. Laura Lee. This morning Uncle Lowell comes to the trailer to see me before I leave. He brings Grandpa Waite.
Mom went to mass with me today at St. Agnes. Laura Lee went, too. I stopped by Grandma Cooksie’s to say goodbye. She made me eat and gave me $5.00. She talks of being lonely. I saw Granny Helen yesterday. And Uncle Charles and his two sweet little girls– Rosalee and Donna. All these people have been such a part of my life– people who have been denied to me by my fear of my father are mine again.