July 30th, 1980
A day at home. This freelance project with the Hecht Co. is wildly uncoordinated and behind schedule. I spent most of the morning there yesterday, trying to get it organized. We’re so slow at the office– entire days spent drinking coffee and working crossword puzzles. I wasn’t even missed while I was at Hecht’s. I take complete control of the book; air-headed Maureen, away on vacation, has done nothing to really control the book. Greg, head of the catalogue department, is nearly obsequious in his expression of appreciation and gratitude for my involvement on the book. I tell him my involvement will be reflected in my billing. So today I called in sick to work to stay home and get caught up. Nothing to do at work anyway.
Now it is mid afternoon and I’ve finished everything– I’m watching soap operas and smoking cigarettes and drinking beer, waiting on a delivery of color xeroxes– then I can take a nap. Tonight I start typesetting on the catalogue.
Diane S. called me last night. My New York friend. Diane is playing matchmaker. I am open to the possibility. My programming is open for bids.