March 25th, 1977
Train station sitting at the bar drinking beer waiting for 8:05 Betsy Ross to Philadelphia.
Super high day. Got a call yesterday afternoon, through Patsy, for a freelance job at an ad agency in town. $10 an hour. Love the work. Huge sense of excitement and glamour. Now coasting up to Philly to see Gene. Everything’s working out. I’m rid of the car– just in time, Richard’s car was repossessed and he managed to get the tickets on mine taken care of. Apartment lined up for first week in July. Furniture from Raymond in a few weeks. Freelance with ad agency may be fairly regular. Solves a lot of problems. My whole world is shaping up. Very high– very happy.
There is one outstanding quality to my life. That is my enormous pleasure with my own life. I have had one hell of a good time since the day I left home. I continue to do so.
The problem with marriage is this:
People structure their entire lives around each other– and suddenly, what began as a love affair ends in a boring system of interdependence.