October 10th, 1977
A few moments of calm before I fly into the evening. My parents (Mom and Rene– how easily I refer to them as my parents) left yesterday after a brief four day stay. Had a marvelous visit. We had such a good time. Good times– that’s what we’re here for.
And I am sailing through my days like a shooting star. Literally having romances right and left.
Let me tell you about my latest. One of my current. (Oh dear there are so many.) His name is Arrie– he’s Australian. He’s working here in the diplomatic corps. Low level, I’m sure. I met him at Dignity once and had seen him at the bars a couple of times. Well, last night he and I got it on like crazy. Tonight is supposed to be a repeat. He’s quite knowledgable– sensitive– sweet– and in a strange almost Missouri way excites me with his straight appearance.