Wednesday January 19, 1977

Dearest Larry,
I’ll start this and will try and finish it up tomorrow. I’m expecting company pretty soon, so I’ll write as fast as I can.
Been sleeping as long as I want, till noon or later and love it. No fuss, no mess, no bother. I’m beginning to like it more this way. My place is only two rooms and bath, large living room, very small kitchen, the bath, a shower stall very small, but it’s beginning to feel like home, after a fashion.
Haven’t called the airport yet, will try tomorrow. We have nine inches of snow on the ground and more to come tonite. God, wish it would let up, worst winter we’ve had in years makes it hard on your old mommy.
I’m making some potato soup for supper. I just came back from Mom’s. God, she’s looking old. Pour baby. She’ll be 69 Jan 22, grieves Dad still. We won’t have her much longer. Haven’t seen your Dad in a while. Talked to his boss today. He won’t go out on a trip, and they are all mad at him, can’t blame them. don’t know what’s to become of him. Can’t help blaming myself some, but then why should I? Damn Larry, he leaned on me for years, it should have been the other way around. I sure can pick the losers, that’s because I am, I guess. Someday maybe I won’t have to grub. My world fell apart when you left home (mothers are that way.) Ain’t had a home since, but will, you’ll see.
Wish you’d come here instead. I won’t tell anybody you don’t want me too. I would rather you did. I don’t like to fly at all. And I want you to see Mom once more. Think about it.
Jonesy, he’s married. His wife is seriously ill with cancer, been married thirty-five years. They have a boy 27 years old, lives at home still. He’s really good to me, but??? He will be 64 July 3rd is a body man at GMC which is a good job and some security for me if we marry, but??? I’ve been burned before. Don’t think I’m ready for that yet. Boy, ain’t I the shits. Can’t even write anymore. Besides that I can’t see the prices on most of the stuff I check out, to many years. They sure as hell won’t renew my drivers license this year for sure. Almost didn’t last time. Damn, what will I do then?
Did you get your car fixed? Hope so. You got out cheap on that deal. Haven’t had mine fixed yet. The front end looks like hell, but can’t afford it.
Called the airlines. God Larry, one hundred and ninety dollars round trip. Don’t see how we can swing it. I could get your Dad to drive me there, what do you think?
Well, I must run, got lots to do. Let me hear from you. Sure enjoyed your last letter. See you soon, I hope.
I love you